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We're happy to offer two classes this summer, a puppet opera program for ages 6 through 12, and a piano and music theory intensive for ages 12 and up, including adults. Details on each class are provided below.

with Composer Alexis Alrich
for Students ages 6-12

For kids with at least one year of study on a musical instrument who are familiar with musical notation. No experience with composition is required. Tuition is $350 per student.

July 15 through August 2 • M-F 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Performance on Saturday, August 3 at Nevada County Media

Compose and perform an original puppet operetta in this multi-disciplinary summer program! Students write original songs and lyrics, collaborate on production, and are showcased as puppeteers and singers in the culminating performance. Puppets will be on loan from the instructor. For children with at least one year of study on a musical instrument who are familiar with musical notation.
No experience with composition is required.

We will be composing songs and instrumental music for The Green Canary, a story adapted from a book of the same name from Hugh Lofting’s Doctor Dolittle series in which Pippinella the contralto canary tells her life story. We are happy to announce that the drama coach is Fred Stuart, an accomplished actor and experienced youth drama director.

Students will practice singing, writing songs and instrumental pieces, and music composition games and exercises. Later the students will work on drama including acting exercises, reading the script, and rehearsing the show.

In the first weeks, we will concentrate on learning the script and composing all the songs, including lyrics, and music. During the last week, we will focus on learning the music and rehearsing the puppet show.

We have a set of puppets from previous years, but always need some new ones. Parents are invited to help make extra puppets and props.



with Alexis Alrich,
pianist and composer

For Advanced Beginner to Intermediate.

Tuition is $200 for the entire week
($40 per day or $8 per hour! An incredible opportunity!)


  • Composition and music theory intensive

  • Piano focused, other instruments welcome

  • Would include a performance

  • Up to 10 participants, ages 12 and up, including adults   

All classes will be held at the InConcert Sierra office in Grass Valley.

One week program: June 24-28  •  10:00am – 3:00pm

Informal recital 4 pm June 28

This 5-day class will cover music theory basics: scales, intervals, keys, harmony, sight-singing, dictation, rhythm; and composing original music. It will culminate in an informal recital of student composition projects plus piano pieces from the students' repertoire. Suggested for advanced beginners through intermediate instrumental students.

 Weekly schedule:

M-F 10-12, lunch break, 1:00-3:00

 Daily schedule:

10-11: Piano and instrument games, rhythm games, notation and dictation

11-12: Scales, intervals, sight-singing, harmony

1:00-2:00:  Craft of composition - exercises and instruction

2:00-2:15: Snack break

2:15-3:00: Share works-in-progress, group games, improv, share repertoire piecess.


Thank you, SmarterBroadband, for sponsoring our Education programs!

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