Sing With Us!

We welcome new voices!

If you'd like to audition for the chorale please fill out our audition form by clicking below.

Audition Form

Here’s what you need to know before auditioning:
  • Some vocal and/or choral experience is necessary.
  • There is a sliding scale ($75-$100) per-cycle fee (Fall and Spring) with additional cost of concert attire purchase.
  • Rehearsals are Tuesday nights from 6:30 to 9:00PM.
  • Each cycle is 13 weeks (Sep-Dec and Feb-May).
  • There will be additional rehearsals and sectionals.

Important rehearsal dates for Fall 2024:
  • Sept 17: First rehearsal, SDA
  • Oct. 5: Workshop 10am-4pm. Location TBD.
  • Oct 13: Sectionals S/A, Sopranos 5-6:30pm, Altos 6:30-8pm
  • Oct. 27: Sectionals T/B, Tenors 5-6:30, Basses 6:30-8
  • Nov. 6: Extra rehearsal, optional
  • Nov. 21: Extra rehearsal, optional
  • Dec. 8: Very encouraged extra rehearsal
  • Dec. 10: Orchestra rehearsal, mandatory
  • Dec. 12: Orchestra rehearsal, mandatory
  • Dec. 14/15: Concerts
  • Dec. 17: Caroling, maybe the 3rd year planned will be a charm!

If you have any questions, contact the membership director at or call the InConcert Sierra office at 530-273-3990.

Thank you to our sponsors!