Support Classical Music
Your support keeps us in tune!
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The magic comes from you!
At InConcert Sierra, we are pleased and excited to present seasons of great music that represent the best of what we work to bring to our community. The 2023-24 season demonstrated the international reach of our remarkable little Sierra foothills towns, and the amazing regional talent we know and love. In the 2024-25 season, we reaffirm our commitment to presenting outstanding live classical music in a warm and inclusive environment, and express our continuing appreciation for the incredible support of our generous donors. We absolutely need you!
Our robust education programs and stellar concerts season are only possible because your support keeps us in tune!
Advocate of Great Classical Music
program listing and a big thank you!Friend of Great Classical Music
program listing and a big thank you!MEMBERSHIP LEVELS:
same as above; plus, advance tickets sales to special concerts and events when applicableAllegro
same as above; plus, invitation to artist reception after orchestra concert and/or invitation to orchestra or SMC rehearsalPresto
same as above; plus, invitation to complimentary annual donor 'thank you' party. Early notice of ticket sales.Fortissimo
same as above; plus an invitation to InConcert Sierra’s complimentary "Season Preview Party."Concert sponsorships start at $1,250.
same as above; plus, reserved seating for ICS concerts and concierge ticket service.Artistic Director Circle
same as above; plus reserved parking space at main series concerts.Visionary
same as above; plus, additional perks to be discussed; plus, invitation to one after-concert dinner with the Artistic Director and artists.CMS Residency Concert sponsorships start at $12,000.
same as above; plus, additional perks to be discussed.ICS Season underwriter sponsorships start at $25,000.