InConcert Sierra presents exceptional classical and choral performances that inspire and enhance our cultural life. We offer a warm, inclusive community for enjoying music and we provide educational opportunities for youth and adults.Values Statement:
InConcert Sierra takes into consideration equity, inclusivity, and mutual respect of our fellow human beings in all of our organization’s activities, programs and services.History:
InConcert Sierra was originally founded in 1946 as Twin Cities Concert Association (TCCA) at a meeting at the historic Bret Harte Inn in downtown Grass Valley, under the sponsorship of the Grass Valley Chamber of Commerce.The concept was to create a concert series featuring famous professionals, while also stressing the value of exposing musically inclined children to world renowned talent, establishing a priority still emphasized today. Within the first few months, TCCA cultivated more than 1,100 members, and the first concert was held at the Grass Valley Veteran’s Memorial Building on October 10, 1946, featuring Charles Kullman, noted tenor of the San Francisco Opera. In response to the extreme enthusiasm of his audience, Kullman was reported to have said, “It is a delight to have an audience like this. I like Grass Valley…and I would rather sing here than in Vienna.” During the next several months, three more concerts showcased international talent to finish that first series.
Although the organization had a meteoric rise, historical records disappeared for more than a dozen years. Then from the 1960s until 2010, TCCA manifested itself in various configurations—from presenting larger concerts to becoming a chamber ensemble presenter. In 1994, Ken Hardin was hired to conduct TCCA’s newly formed community Orchestra Panache. Hardin was elevated to the position of artistic director in 1999 and continues in that capacity to the present. In 2008, Hardin became the founding music director/conductor of InConcert’s Sierra Master Chorale, an auditioned chorus, now directed by Alison Skinner, which performs twice a year with the InConcert Orchestra.
In 2010, TCCA changed its name to InConcert Sierra, to increase marketing efficiency, name recognition and, especially, to reflect the broadened geographical reach of the organization. All the various incarnations have helped this venerable nonprofit, InConcert Sierra, evolve into the community asset that Nevada County—and beyond—enjoys today.
The organization owns a two-manual French harpsichord, handcrafted and donated by the late Scott Mackley, a local resident. Through community support, it also owns a Grotrian 9-foot Concert Grand Piano.
Proudly ensconced in the state-recognized Grass Valley-Nevada City Cultural District, InConcert Sierra’s programs are currently held at the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Grass Valley due to its acoustical quality and intimate setting. Although chamber music is frequently performed in large concert halls, the greater intimacy of a smaller venue, replicating the drawing rooms in which such music was originally played, is more suitable for a small group of instruments. The church provides a great deal of audience comfort in seating, amazing acoustics and favorable hospitality areas for both audience and artists. The only challenge has been scheduling additional concerts and expanding our education and concert programs.
In 2023, InConcert Sierra purchased a building that will become its own home -- opening in 2025. For more information about this amazing project, visit https://crownpointvenues.com/.